Zucchini and Pecorino Clouds

Zucchini and pecorino clouds are a light and tasty dish, ideal as an appetizer or as a delicious side. Here’s how to prepare them.


  • 2 medium zucchinis
  • 100 g of grated Pecorino Romano
  • 2 eggs
  • 100 g of flour
  • Salt, as needed
  • Pepper, as needed
  • Extra virgin olive oil, for frying


  1. Wash the zucchinis and grate them using a coarse grater. Place them in a colander, lightly salt and let them rest for about 10-15 minutes, so they lose their vegetation water.
  2. In a large bowl, beat the eggs and add the grated pecorino. Mix well to blend the ingredients.
  3. Squeeze the grated zucchinis to remove the excess water and incorporate them into the egg and pecorino mixture. Add the flour and mix until you obtain a smooth batter. Adjust the salt if necessary and add a grind of pepper.
  4. In a large pan, heat plenty of extra virgin olive oil. When the oil is hot, take a spoonful of the mixture and gently pour it into the pan, forming small “clouds”.
  5. Fry the zucchini clouds until they are golden brown on both sides, turning them gently halfway through cooking.
  6. As they are ready, transfer the clouds to a plate lined with paper towels to remove the excess oil.
  7. Serve hot or warm, as you prefer.


Pecorino Romano is a cheese with a hard consistency and intense, salty flavor, traditionally produced in Lazio, Sardinia, and in the province of Grosseto. It is obtained from the processing of sheep’s milk and is perfect for grating over hot dishes where it melts well, giving a strong flavor. The zucchini and pecorino clouds are an expression of the Italian taste for the balance between the flavors of the vegetable and cheese expertly combined.

Zucchini and Pecorino Clouds