Zabaione Cream

Zabaione cream, or simply zabaione, is a classic Italian spoon dessert, renowned for its gentle flavor and creamy texture. It can be enjoyed on its own or as an accompaniment to cookies, cakes and fruit.


  • 6 egg yolks
  • 6 tablespoons of granulated sugar
  • 6 tablespoons of Marsala (or other sweet wine such as Moscato or Porto)
  • A pinch of salt


  1. Combine the egg yolks and sugar in a large bowl. Beat with a hand whisk or an electric whisk until you achieve a light and frothy mixture.
  2. Add the Marsala and mix until it is well incorporated.
  3. Heat up some water in a pot and warm it until it’s almost boiling.
  4. Place the bowl over the pot, making sure that its base does not touch the water (using a bain-marie technique). It’s important that the water is hot but not boiling to avoid cooking the eggs too quickly.
  5. Continue to beat with the whisk while the bowl is in the bain-marie, cooking the zabaione until it becomes thick. This might take from 5 to 10 minutes. The zabaione is ready when it forms a soft yet firm cream that “writes” on the whisk or spatula if you try to lift it.
  6. Once the desired consistency is reached, remove the bowl from the pot and continue to stir for a few minutes to let the temperature decrease slightly.
  7. Serve the zabaione warm or let it cool down and then refrigerate if you prefer to enjoy it cold.


Zabaione, dating back to the 16th century, is often associated with the Piedmont region, but various versions are found in many other Italian regions. Traditionally, it is said to have been invented in Turin by a friar, Pasquale de Baylon, who prepared it as a tonic for his congregation. The name of this friar is also the possible origin of the word “zabaione”.

Zabaione Cream