Yogurt Cream

I will be pleased to help you prepare a delicious yogurt cream. Here is a simple recipe to make it.


  • 250 g of Greek yogurt or another thick natural yogurt
  • 2 tablespoons of honey (or to taste to sweeten)
  • 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract (optional)
  • Fresh fruit cut into pieces (for example strawberries, blueberries, bananas) to garnish
  • Nibs of nuts or almonds for a crunchy touch (optional)


  1. Take a bowl and pour the yogurt into it.
  2. Add the honey and vanilla extract to the yogurt and mix well until you get a smooth and homogeneous consistency. If you prefer a more local touch, you might consider using a local sweetener like grape sugar, typical of Italian cuisine.
  3. Put the yogurt cream in the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes before serving; this will help intensify the flavors and give a fresher sensation.
  4. When serving, arrange the cream in individual bowls.
  5. Garnish your yogurt cream with the fresh fruit pieces and, if you wish, add some nibs of nuts or almonds to enrich the texture with a crunchy touch.


This cream can be considered a base for many desserts or a nutritious and lightweight breakfast. If you want to give it an even more Italian touch, you can add a pinch of grated lemon zest to provide a unique Mediterranean aroma. Furthermore, yogurt cream can be customized in countless ways, adding cocoa, instant coffee or integrating it with other types of dried fruit or seeds, such as chia or sesame seeds, enriching it with nutrients and variety.

Yogurt Cream