Yogurt Cake

I can provide you with a basic recipe for the yogurt cake, which is a simple and very popular dessert. Here is the recipe:


  • Natural Yogurt: 125g (1 pot)
  • Flour: 3 pots
  • Sugar: 2 pots
  • Seed oil: 1 pot
  • Eggs: 3 medium
  • Baking powder: 1 sachet
  • Salt: a pinch
  • Grated lemon zest or vanilla (optional)


  1. Preheat the oven to 180 °C.
  2. In a large bowl, pour the yogurt and use the empty pot as a measuring cup for the other ingredients.
  3. Add the eggs and sugar and whisk until smooth.
  4. Gradually add the oil, continuing to whisk.
  5. Fold in the sifted flour, baking powder, and a pinch of salt, mixing gently to avoid lumps.
  6. If desired, add the grated zest of a lemon or a bit of vanilla to flavor the mixture.
  7. Pour the mixture into a previously greased and floured cake pan, or lined with parchment paper.
  8. Bake for about 30-35 minutes or until a skewer inserted in the center of the cake comes out clean.
  9. Let the cake cool before unmolding and serving it.

Remember that you can personalize the yogurt cake by adding fresh fruit like apples or pears cut into pieces to the mixture, or cocoa powder to make a chocolate variant.


The yogurt cake is appreciated for its simplicity and versatility. Depending on the Italian region and family tradition, you will find variations with the addition of different types of dried fruit or aromatic syrups. Moreover, using yogurt as a base makes for an extremely soft and light cake, perfect for breakfast or a snack.

Yogurt Cake