Yogurt and Sour Cherry Semifreddo

The yogurt and sour cherry semifreddo is a fresh and delicious dessert, perfect to conclude a meal with a touch of sweetness that’s not too overpowering. Here’s how to prepare it.


  • 250 g of Greek yogurt
  • 200 ml of fresh cream to whip
  • 100 g of icing sugar
  • 200 g of syrupy sour cherries (and a little of their syrup)
  • 2 tablespoons of lemon juice
  • Crumbled amaretti biscuits (optional, for the base)


  1. Start by whipping the fresh cream with half of the icing sugar until it is very firm. Make sure the cream is very cold to get the best result.
  2. In another bowl, mix the Greek yogurt with the remaining icing sugar and lemon juice until you get a smooth mixture.
  3. Gently fold the whipped cream into the yogurt mixture, trying to keep the cream as airy as possible.
  4. If you want to create a crunchy base, distribute crumbled amaretti biscuits at the bottom of a plumcake mold lined with cling film.
  5. Pour half of the yogurt and cream mixture into the mold, add a layer of syrupy sour cherries (reserving some for decoration), and cover with the remaining mixture.
  6. Finish with another layer of crumbled amaretti biscuits if you desire.
  7. Let the semifreddo rest in the freezer for at least 4-6 hours to allow it to firm up.
  8. Before serving, remove the semifreddo from the mold, take off the cling film, and place it on a serving dish.
  9. Decorate with the reserved syrupy sour cherries and, if you wish, a little of their syrup for an even more indulgent effect.


Semifreddo is a typical Italian spoon dessert. The term “semifreddo” refers to its consistency which is softer than ice cream but more substantial than a cream. It can be enriched with fruit, chocolate, nuts, and many other ingredients according to the season and imagination. In the case of yogurt and sour cherries, the sweetness of the Greek yogurt balances perfectly with the slight acidity of the sour cherries, creating a pleasant contrast for the palate.

Yogurt and Sour Cherry Semifreddo