Chocolate and yogurt mousse

The chocolate and yogurt mousse is a light and creamy dessert that can satisfy a sweet tooth without being too heavy. Here is the recipe:


  • 150 g of dark chocolate
  • 250 g of Greek yogurt or whole natural yogurt
  • 2 tablespoons of icing sugar (optional, for a sweeter touch)
  • 200 ml of fresh cream for whipping
  • 1 sheet of gelatin (or 2 g of gelatin powder, optional for a firmer texture)
  • Cocoa powder or chocolate shavings for decoration


  1. Start by breaking up the dark chocolate and melting it in a bain-marie or gently in the microwave. Let it cool down.

  2. In the meantime, if you decide to stabilize the mousse with gelatin, soak the gelatin sheet in cold water for about 10 minutes. If you’re using gelatin powder, follow the manufacturer’s instructions for proper use.

  3. Whip the fresh cream in a bowl until it reaches a firm consistency. If you want a sweeter mousse, add the icing sugar while whipping.

  4. Mix the melted chocolate into the yogurt and stir with a spatula until you have a smooth mixture.

  5. If you’re using gelatin, heat a small amount of cream, dissolve the well-squeezed gelatin in it, and add it to the yogurt and chocolate mixture, stirring well to blend.

  6. Now gently fold the whipped cream into the yogurt and chocolate mixture, stirring with gentle movements from top to bottom to avoid deflating the cream.

  7. Pour the mousse into glasses or individual bowls and let it set in the refrigerator for at least 2-3 hours.

  8. Before serving, decorate the mousse with cocoa powder or chocolate shavings for an extra touch of aesthetics and flavor.


The mousse, which means “foam” in French, is a dessert of French origin known for its light and airy texture. The chocolate and yogurt version is a more modern and lighter variant compared to the classic chocolate mousse, which includes the use of eggs and butter. This version is appreciated for its delicate flavor given by the addition of yogurt, which also provides a pleasant freshness. For a truly Italian pairing, you could consider serving this dessert with an Italian sweet wine like Passito di Pantelleria.

Chocolate and yogurt mousse