Yogurt and Apricot Mousse

I can provide you with a refreshing recipe for a yogurt and apricot mousse, perfect for the summer season or to end a meal with a sweet and light note. It’s a simple but delicious dessert. Here’s how it’s made.


  • 250 g of Greek yogurt or whole yogurt
  • 200 g of ripe apricots
  • 50 g of powdered sugar (or less, according to your taste)
  • 1 tablespoon of lemon juice
  • 200 ml of fresh cream to whip
  • 3 sheets of gelatin or 2 g of agar-agar (if you prefer a vegetarian option)
  • Fresh apricots or in syrup for decoration


  1. Start by soaking the gelatin sheets in a bowl with cold water to soften them for about 10 minutes. If you are using agar-agar, follow the instructions on the package for its use.

  2. Wash the apricots, cut them in half and remove the pits. Chop the apricots into small pieces and put them in a saucepan with the lemon juice and half of the powdered sugar. Cook over medium-low heat until the apricots have softened and released some of their juice.

  3. Remove the pan from heat and blend the mixture with an immersion mixer until you get a puree. Squeeze the water from the softened gelatin sheets and add them to the hot apricot mixture, stirring well until they are completely dissolved. If you’re using agar-agar, add it according to the directions and let the mixture simmer for the necessary time.

  4. Allow the apricot puree to cool to room temperature.

  5. Meanwhile, whip the cream with the remaining powdered sugar until it is very firm.

  6. Gently fold the Greek yogurt into the now cool apricot puree. Then, also fold in the whipped cream, combining everything with gentle movements from top to bottom to avoid deflating the mixture.

  7. Pour the mousse into glasses or cups and let it rest in the refrigerator for at least 3-4 hours, so it can set properly.

  8. When ready to serve, decorate the mousse with slices of fresh or syrupy apricots.


Mousse is a dessert of French origin, whose name means “foam” in reference to its light and airy consistency. The yogurt variant makes the dessert fresher and less caloric compared to traditional versions based on custard or eggs.

If you want to add an Italian touch, you could accompany the mousse with crumbled amaretti or a drizzle of amaretto liquor, which pairs well with the flavor of the apricots.

Yogurt and Apricot Mousse