Watermelon Cooler

The Watermelon Cooler is a refreshing summer beverage made from watermelon that can be enjoyed as a non-alcoholic drink or enhanced with alcohol to become a cocktail. Here is the non-alcoholic version:


  • 1 kg of watermelon (seedless or seeds removed)
  • Juice of one lemon
  • 2 tablespoons of sugar (optional)
  • Sparkling water (for a more refreshing version)
  • Fresh mint (for garnish)


  1. Cut the watermelon into cubes and remove any seeds.
  2. Place the watermelon pieces in a blender.
  3. Add the lemon juice and sugar (if you decide to use it) and blend until smooth.
  4. Strain the liquid through a sieve to remove the pulp and get a smooth juice.
  5. Serve the Watermelon Cooler very cold, adding sparkling water to taste in order to make it more thirst-quenching and garnish with fresh mint leaves.

Alcoholic alternative: Add a splash of vodka or white rum to turn the Watermelon Cooler into an adult cocktail. Adjust the quantities according to your preference for alcohol strength.


Watermelon is made up of 92% water, making it perfect for hydrating during the hot summer months. Plus, it is rich in natural antioxidants like lycopene, which gives watermelon its characteristic red color.

Remember to enjoy the Watermelon Cooler during the hottest part of the day for instant relief from the heat!

Watermelon Cooler