Watermelon and Yogurt Shot Glasses

Watermelon and yogurt shot glasses are a fresh and light dessert that combines the sweet and refreshing taste of watermelon with the creaminess of yogurt. Here’s how to make them:


  • 500 g of watermelon (rind and seeds removed)
  • 250 g of Greek yogurt or full-fat white yogurt
  • Honey (to taste)
  • Fresh mint leaves (for garnish)
  • Dry biscuits or granola (optional, for added crunch)


  1. Cut the watermelon into small cubes and set aside some of these whole cubes for garnish.
  2. Blend the remaining watermelon with an immersion blender or standard blender until smooth.
  3. If desired, you can strain the watermelon juice to remove any solid residue and achieve a clearer liquid.
  4. Take dessert shot glasses and alternately pour a layer of yogurt and a layer of blended watermelon juice.
  5. If you like, you can sweeten the yogurt with a little honey before pouring it into the glasses.
  6. Continue until the glasses are filled, finishing with a layer of yogurt.
  7. Garnish each shot glass with the reserved watermelon cubes and a mint leaf for a touch of freshness.
  8. For a crunchy twist, crumble some dry biscuits or add granola on top of the final yogurt layer before garnishing with watermelon and mint.
  9. Let the shot glasses rest in the refrigerator for at least an hour before serving, so that the flavors meld together nicely.


This dessert is not only delicious and refreshing but also visually appealing thanks to the different colored layers. Moreover, watermelon is composed of approximately 90% water, making this dessert a hydrating choice in the hot season. You can also add an alcoholic twist with a bit of vodka or rum to turn it into an adult dessert. However, remember that you should inform your guests about the presence of alcohol in that case.

Watermelon and Yogurt Shot Glasses