Warm Farro with Honey Chicken

Warm farro with honey chicken is a tasteful dish that combines the sweetness of honey with the texture of farro and the tenderness of chicken. Here’s how to prepare it.


  • 200 g of pearled farro
  • 2 chicken breasts
  • 2 tablespoons of honey
  • 2 tablespoons of balsamic vinegar
  • 4 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • Aromatic herbs (such as thyme or rosemary)
  • Vegetables of choice to accompany (such as zucchini, bell peppers, etc.)


  1. Cook the farro in plenty of salted water following the instructions on the package, usually about 20-30 minutes.
  2. Meanwhile, in a skillet, heat a tablespoon of oil and add the previously diced chicken breasts. Cook them until they are well browned on all sides.
  3. In a small bowl, mix the honey with balsamic vinegar, a pinch of salt, and pepper.
  4. When the chicken is almost cooked, pour the honey and balsamic mixture into the skillet and allow caramelizing for a few minutes, making sure to turn the chicken to coat it well with the sauce.
  5. Drain the farro and pour it into a bowl, dress with the remaining oil, adjust the salt and pepper, and mix well.
  6. Add the chicken to the farro, along with the previously grilled or sautéed vegetables, and the chopped aromatic herbs.
  7. Serve the warm farro with honey chicken accompanied by the vegetables.

You can add an Italian touch to the dish by garnishing it with grated Parmesan or Parmesan shavings, to add a bolder flavor and a more interesting texture to the dish.

Farro is a very versatile and healthy cereal, rich in fiber and protein, and it’s an excellent base for many recipes. The combination with chicken makes it a complete and nutritious dish, ideal for a balanced meal.

Warm Farro with Honey Chicken