Tonka bean crème caramel

Crème caramel is a classic French dessert, but the variation you’re asking for with the tonka bean adds an exotic and aromatic touch that makes it particularly interesting. Here is the recipe:


  • 500 ml of whole milk
  • 1 tonka bean, grated
  • 100 g of sugar for the caramel
  • 3 whole eggs
  • 2 egg yolks
  • 150 g of caster sugar for the cream


  1. To make the caramel, place the 100 g of sugar in a heavy-bottomed saucepan over medium heat. Allow the sugar to melt and become golden, without stirring, but you can lightly swirl the pan to evenly distribute the color.
  2. Pour the hot caramel into the crème caramel molds, tilting them to cover the bottom evenly. Let cool.
  3. Preheat the oven to 160 °C.
  4. For the cream, bring the milk to a boil with the grated tonka bean. Once it comes to a boil, turn off the heat and let it infuse for about 10 minutes.
  5. In a bowl, beat the whole eggs, the yolks, and the 150 g of caster sugar until light and frothy.
  6. Strain the milk to remove any bits of tonka bean and slowly incorporate it into the egg mixture, stirring continuously.
  7. Pour the mixture into the molds over the now solidified caramel.
  8. Place the molds in a deep baking dish and fill the dish with hot water up to halfway up the molds to cook the crème caramels in a water bath.
  9. Bake in the preheated oven for about 40-45 minutes or until the cream is just set but still slightly wobbly in the center.
  10. Remove the molds from the water and let them cool to room temperature before refrigerating for at least 2 hours.
  11. To serve, run a knife along the edge of the molds and invert them onto a dessert plate to release the crème caramel with its liquid caramel.


The tonka bean comes from the seeds of the Dipteryx odorata tree, native to South America, and its unique aroma recalls a combination of vanilla, almonds, and sweet spices, with a slight smoky hint. It’s important not to overdo it with the quantity because its flavor is very intense. Moreover, the tonka bean should be used in moderation, as it contains coumarin, a substance that in large quantities can have effects on health.

Creme caramel alle fave di tonka