Spinach Risotto

Spinach risotto is a creamy and tasty dish, a green variant of the classic Italian risotto. Here’s how you can prepare it.


  • 350 g of risotto rice (such as Arborio, Carnaroli, or Vialone Nano)
  • 400 g of fresh spinach or 200 g of frozen spinach
  • 1 small onion or shallot
  • 50 g of butter
  • 1 liter of warm vegetable broth (you might need a little more or less, depending on the rice’s absorption)
  • 100 g of grated Parmesan cheese
  • A glass of dry white wine
  • Salt and pepper, to taste
  • Extra virgin olive oil


  1. Start by cleaning the fresh spinach, removing the roots and washing them thoroughly, then boil them in slightly salted water for a few minutes. If they are frozen, follow the instructions on the package for defrosting and heating. After cooking, squeeze them well and chop roughly.
  2. Finely chop the onion or shallot and sauté in a large pan or pot with half of the butter and a drizzle of oil until it becomes translucent.
  3. Add the rice and toast for a couple of minutes until the grains become pearly, stirring constantly.
  4. Deglaze with the white wine and let the alcohol evaporate on medium-high heat.
  5. Start adding the warm vegetable broth, a ladleful at a time, continuing to stir. Wait for the liquid to be absorbed before adding the next ladleful of broth.
  6. Halfway through cooking, add the chopped spinach and continue to add broth following the same procedure.
  7. When the rice is almost al dente, add salt and pepper to your taste. Once cooking is completed, turn off the heat and cream with the remaining butter and grated Parmesan, stirring vigorously to create the risotto’s classic creaminess.
  8. Let the risotto rest covered for a minute before serving.


Spinach risotto is a dish that lends itself to numerous variations. For example, one could add creamy cheeses like gorgonzola for an extra touch of savoriness, or spices such as nutmeg, which pairs well with spinach. Moreover, this recipe can be easily adapted for vegetarians or those following more restrictive diets by using vegetable broth and permitted cheeses.

Enjoy your preparation!