Risotto with Roasted Tomatoes

Here is a tasty recipe for a risotto with roasted tomatoes, with an Italian twist.


  • 300 g of Arborio, Carnaroli, or Vialone Nano rice (ideal for risotto)
  • 500 g of ripe tomatoes
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • Extra virgin olive oil
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • Vegetable broth as needed (about 1.5 L)
  • 1 small onion
  • 30 g of butter
  • 100 g of grated Parmigiano cheese
  • Fresh basil leaves
  • A pinch of sugar (optional)


  1. Start by roasting the tomatoes. Preheat your oven to 200 °C. Cut the tomatoes in half, place them on a baking tray lined with parchment paper, season with oil, salt, pepper, and a pinch of sugar to counteract the acidity. Add the garlic clove, whole or thinly sliced. Roast in the oven for about 20 minutes, or until the tomatoes are caramelized and soft.

  2. Meanwhile, prepare the sauté for the risotto. Finely chop the onion and let it brown in a large skillet or a low pot with half of the butter until it becomes translucent.

  3. Add the rice and toast it in the sauté for a couple of minutes, until the grains become slightly translucent.

  4. Begin to add the warm vegetable broth, one ladle at a time, stirring frequently and waiting for the rice to absorb the liquid before adding more.

  5. Midway through cooking, after about 7-8 minutes, add the crushed roasted tomatoes so their flavor infuses with the rice.

  6. Continue to cook, adding broth when necessary and stirring occasionally.

  7. Once the rice is al dente (about 16-18 minutes after the first ladle of broth), remove from heat. Stir into the risotto the Parmigiano cheese and remaining butter to make it creamy.

  8. Adjust the salt and pepper, then let the risotto rest for a minute.

  9. Serve hot, garnished with fresh basil leaves as desired.

The risotto with roasted tomatoes is a simple but surprising dish that enhances the sweet and slightly smoky taste of the tomatoes when baked, and is a summery and colorful variant of the classic risotto. For an even more Italian touch, you could also add diced mozzarella, which will melt with the heat of the risotto, creating a stringy effect. Bon appétit!

Risotto with Roasted Tomatoes