Pear Cake

Pear cake is a delicious and easy-to-make dessert. Here’s how to make a classic Italian version of this cake.


  • 3 mature but firm pears
  • 200 g of sugar
  • 200 g of type 00 flour
  • 100 g of soft butter
  • 3 eggs
  • 1 sachet of baking powder for sweets
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • Icing sugar (optional, for decorating)
  • Ground cinnamon (optional)


  1. Preheat the oven to 180 °C.
  2. Peel the pears and cut them into cubes or slices, depending on your preference.
  3. In a bowl, cream the soft butter with sugar until you have a frothy and light mixture.
  4. Add the eggs one at a time, ensuring each one is well incorporated before adding the next.
  5. Sift the flour, baking powder, and pinch of salt, and add them to the egg and sugar mixture, mixing slowly until you have a smooth and lump-free batter.
  6. If desired, you can add a pinch of cinnamon to flavor the batter.
  7. Fold the cut pears into the batter and gently mix to distribute them evenly.
  8. Pour the mixture into a previously buttered and floured cake pan, or lined with parchment paper.
  9. Bake the cake and wait about 40-45 minutes or until golden brown and a skewer inserted in the center comes out clean.
  10. Allow the pear cake to cool before dusting with icing sugar.


Pear cake is a classic Italian homemade cuisine, often prepared during the autumn season when pears are at their peak of ripeness. According to some regional traditions, pear cake can be enriched by adding dried fruit such as walnuts or it can be served with custard or vanilla ice cream.

Pear Cake