Oven-roasted Veal

Oven-roasted veal is a classic dish in Italian cuisine, rich and tasty, excellent to serve on special occasions. Here is the recipe:


  • 1 kg of veal silverside or topside
  • 2-3 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil
  • Fresh rosemary (a couple of sprigs)
  • Fresh sage (a few leaves)
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • Half a glass of dry white wine
  • Meat or vegetable broth (about 250 ml, more or less may be needed depending on the cooking time)


  1. Preheat the oven to 180 °C.
  2. If necessary, tie the piece of veal with kitchen twine to maintain its shape during cooking.
  3. Heat the extra virgin olive oil in a large pan and brown the meat evenly on all sides. This step is important to seal the juices inside the meat.
  4. Add the garlic, rosemary, and sage around the meat to flavor it.
  5. Transfer the meat and aromatics to an ovenproof dish and season with salt and pepper.
  6. Deglaze the pan with the white wine, scraping the bottom well to recover the caramelized juices, and pour the liquid over the meat.
  7. Place the roast in the oven and cook for about 1 hour and 15 minutes, basting occasionally with the broth to keep the meat tender and juicy.
  8. The meat is ready when it reaches an internal temperature of about 65-70 °C; you can check with a meat thermometer.
  9. Once cooked, cover the veal roast with aluminum foil and let it rest for about 15 minutes before slicing. This allows the juices to reabsorb, making the meat even more succulent.

To serve:

Slice the roast and arrange it on a serving platter, topping it with its cooking juices, which you will have meanwhile reduced and perhaps thickened with a bit of flour or starch if you desire a thicker sauce.


In Italy, roast is often accompanied by side dishes such as baked potatoes or fresh salad. Depending on the region, the recipe can vary with the addition of different spices or herbs. The veal roast can also be stuffed before cooking with spinach, ham, and cheese for an even richer flavor.

Oven-roasted Veal