Orecchiette with Sugarelli and Shrimp Sauce

Orecchiette with sugarelli and shrimp sauce is a dish that expertly blends the flavors of the sea with the tradition of homemade pasta. Here is the recipe for preparing this tasty dish.


  • 400 g of orecchiette
  • 300 g of sugarelli (or other blue fish)
  • 200 g of fresh shrimp
  • 300 g of cherry tomatoes
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 1 bunch of fresh parsley
  • White wine (a glass)
  • Salt to taste
  • Chili pepper (optional)
  • Extra virgin olive oil


  1. Start by cleaning the sugarelli: remove the innards, cut off the heads, and skin them. Then cut the fillets into small pieces. Also clean the shrimp by removing the shell and the intestine.
  2. Bring a pot of salted water to the boil for cooking the orecchiette.
  3. In a large pan, sauté the finely chopped garlic in extra virgin olive oil. If you like a bit of spiciness, you can also add some chili pepper.
  4. Add the cherry tomatoes cut in half and let them cook for a few minutes until they form a light sauce.
  5. Pour in the glass of white wine and let the alcohol evaporate.
  6. Add the pieces of sugarello and cook for about 5 minutes.
  7. Put the shrimp in the pan, season with salt, and cook for another 3-4 minutes until the shrimp turn pink and the sugarello is fully cooked.
  8. Meanwhile, cook the orecchiette until al dente according to the instructions on the package. Drain the pasta and reserve some of the cooking water.
  9. Transfer the orecchiette to the pan with the fish sauce, mix well to combine everything, adding some cooking water if necessary to make the sauce creamier.
  10. Turn off the heat and add the chopped fresh parsley, stirring for one last time.

Serve the dish with a drizzle of raw oil and, if desired, a sprinkling of fresh parsley. Enjoy your meal!


Orecchiette are a type of pasta typical of the Puglia region, whose name derives from their shape resembling a small ear. Tradition holds that they are hand-made, by pressing and dragging a small piece of dough on a work surface with the thumb.