Orecchiette with Sausage Sauce

Orecchiette with sausage sauce is a hearty and flavorful dish, perfect for a substantial dinner. Here is the recipe:


  • 400g of orecchiette
  • 300g of sausage
  • 400g of peeled tomatoes
  • 1 small onion
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 1 sprig of rosemary
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • Extra virgin olive oil
  • Chili pepper (optional)
  • Grated cheese for serving (pecorino or parmesan)


  1. Start by preparing the sauce: mince the onion and sauté it in a large pan with extra virgin olive oil until it becomes translucent.
  2. Add the chopped garlic cloves and, if desired, a piece of chili pepper to give a bit of spiciness.
  3. Remove the skin from the sausage and crumble it into the pan with the onion and garlic. Allow it to brown until it is well golden.
  4. Pour the peeled tomatoes into the pan with the sausage and lightly crush them with a fork. Add the sprig of rosemary, salt, and pepper. Leave to cook over medium-low heat for about 20-30 minutes until the sauce thickens.
  5. While the sauce is cooking, bring a large pot of salted water to a boil and cook the orecchiette following the package instructions to achieve the desired doneness.
  6. Drain the orecchiette al dente and pour them into the pan with the sausage sauce. Stir well to flavor the pasta with the sauce.
  7. Serve the orecchiette piping hot with a sprinkling of grated cheese to taste.

The dish is even tastier when accompanied by a good glass of full-bodied red wine. And if you want to add some verdant notes, you could complete the sauce with some fresh basil leaves towards the end of the sauce’s cooking time.

I hope you enjoy this recipe and that it gives you a delicious culinary experience. Buon appetito!

Orecchiette with Sausage Sauce