Orange Cream

Orange cream is a fresh and aromatic dessert that captivates with its lightness and citrus fragrance. Here is the recipe to make it:


  • 500 ml of fresh orange juice (preferably filtered)
  • Grated zest of 2 untreated oranges
  • 150g of sugar
  • 40g of cornstarch (cornflour)
  • 4 egg yolks
  • 1 vanilla pod or a teaspoon of vanilla extract
  • 50g of butter


  1. In a saucepan, mix sugar and cornstarch.
  2. Gradually add the egg yolks, one at a time, mixing well to avoid lumps.
  3. Split the vanilla pod in half lengthwise and scrape out the seeds, add them to the saucepan along with the pod itself (if using extract, you will add it later).
  4. Start pouring the fresh orange juice in a thin stream, continuing to mix.
  5. Add the grated orange zest.
  6. Place the saucepan on medium heat and, stirring constantly, bring the cream to a light boil. If you chose the vanilla extract, add it now.
  7. When the cream starts to thicken and bubbles gently, cook it for 2 more minutes, then remove from the heat.
  8. Remove the vanilla pod (if used) and add the butter in pieces, stirring until it has completely melted into the cream.
  9. Pour the cream into a bowl, covering it with cling film in contact to prevent a “skin” from forming on the surface.
  10. Allow to cool to room temperature and then place in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours before serving.

This cream can be enjoyed on its own, with biscuits, or used as a filling for cakes and tarts. If you desire a more intense flavor, you can use some concentrated orange juice.


Orange cream is derived from crème pâtissière, a classic of French pastry, enriched with the aroma of citrus fruits instead of just vanilla flavor. In Southern Italy, especially in Sicily, it is common to find desserts with orange cream thanks to the wide availability of excellent quality citrus fruits.

Orange Cream