Orange Clams Sauté

Orange Clams Sauté is a tasty variation of the classic clam sauté. The citrus note of the orange perfectly complements the saltiness of the clams, creating a fresh and aromatic dish. Let’s look at the recipe together.


  • 1 kg of true clams (well cleaned and left to purge)
  • 2 oranges (organic, if possible)
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 1 bunch of fresh parsley
  • 100 ml of dry white wine
  • 4 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil
  • Chili pepper (optional)
  • Salt to taste


  1. Start by preparing the ingredients: wash and brush the oranges well, then grate the zest of one orange, avoiding the white part, which could be bitter. Squeeze the juice from both oranges and set aside. Finely chop the garlic and parsley.

  2. In a large pan, fry the garlic in the extra virgin olive oil until it turns golden. If you like, you can add a whole or chopped chili pepper for a spicy touch.

  3. Add the well-cleaned clams to the pan and sauté over high heat for a couple of minutes. Deglaze with the white wine and let the alcohol evaporate.

  4. When the clams start to open, add the orange juice and zest. Gently stir and cook for about 5 more minutes until all the clams have opened. Discard any that have remained closed.

  5. At the end of cooking, adjust the salt if necessary (be careful because clams are naturally salty) and sprinkle with chopped fresh parsley.

  6. Serve your hot orange clams immediately, accompanied by slices of crispy bread to dip in the sauce.


Clams sauté is a typical dish of maritime cuisine. The addition of orange is a modern twist that interprets the trend of pairing seafood with citrus fruits, much appreciated for the contrast of flavors.

Remember to serve this dish with a nice fresh white wine, possibly with citrus notes that match well with the scent of the orange. Buon appetito!

Orange Clams Sauté