Orange Chicken Breast

I can offer you an Italian variation of the orange chicken breast. Here are the ingredients and the preparation for a tasty and fragrant dish.


  • 2 chicken breasts
  • 2 untreated oranges
  • 1 shot of Cointreau or another orange liqueur (optional)
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • Fresh rosemary
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • Flour as needed
  • Extra virgin olive oil
  • Butter (optional)


  1. Take the chicken breasts and pat them dry with kitchen paper. If you prefer, slice them or cut them into chunks for a faster and more even cooking.
  2. Grate the zest off one orange taking care to avoid the white part and then squeeze its juice along with the other orange.
  3. In a large pan, heat some oil with a clove of garlic and a sprig of rosemary, to flavor the oil.
  4. Lightly flour the chicken breasts, this will create a light crust and keep them tender on the inside.
  5. Remove the garlic from the pan and add the chicken breasts to brown, letting them cook until golden on both sides. Season with salt and pepper.
  6. Deglaze with the Cointreau, being careful of the flame if it is live.
  7. Add the orange juice and zest and let the sauce reduce slightly.
  8. If desired, you can add a touch of butter towards the end to enrich the sauce and give it a more velvety texture.
  9. Test for salt and pepper and then cover, letting it cook for about 10-15 minutes, depending on the thickness of the breasts.
  10. Serve hot, garnishing with fresh orange slices or wedges and sprigs of rosemary if you wish.


Orange chicken is a dish that is often found in fusion and Chinese-American cuisine, but this version has an Italian touch given by the rosemary and Cointreau, which add Mediterranean aromas. The orange juice used in this way not only gives flavor but also tenderness to the chicken, thanks to the natural acids that help to soften the meat’s proteins.