Olive Pastries with Sautéed Zucchini

The recipe for olive pastries with sautéed zucchini is a delicious way to combine the crunchiness of the pastry with the fresh and slightly sweet and sour taste of the sautéed zucchini. Here’s how to proceed.


  • Olive puff pastries (you can either find them ready-made or prepare them with puff pastry and chopped olives)
  • 4 medium zucchini
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • Extra virgin olive oil to taste
  • Salt to taste
  • Pepper to taste
  • Chopped fresh parsley (optional)
  • Parmesan shavings (optional for garnish)


  1. Olive pastries: If they are not ready, start by rolling out a sheet of puff pastry and sprinkling it with chopped black or green olives, then cut into squares or rectangles and bake in the oven according to the instructions on the package, until golden brown.

  2. Sautéed zucchini:

    • Wash the zucchini, trim the ends, and cut them into not too thick rounds.
    • Take a frying pan, add a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil and the peeled garlic (you can lightly crush it with the side of a knife if you prefer a more pronounced aroma).
    • Sauté the garlic until it becomes lightly golden and then remove it.
    • Add the zucchini to the pan and sauté over medium-high heat to maintain crispiness, stirring occasionally.
    • Season with salt and pepper to taste and, if you like, add some chopped fresh parsley towards the end of cooking.
    • The zucchini should turn slightly golden but still be crunchy.
  3. Assembling pastries and zucchini:

    • Take the now ready and crispy olive pastries and lay the sautéed zucchini on top.
    • If desired, you can add some Parmesan shavings for an extra touch of flavor.

Serve on a serving plate, perhaps drizzling with some raw olive oil over the zucchini for a final touch of flavor.

Did you know?

“Trifolatura” is a cooking method typical of Italian cuisine, especially from the central and northern regions, which involves quickly cooking food (especially mushrooms or vegetables) in a pan with oil, garlic, and sometimes parsley. Sautéed zucchini is a rather versatile side dish that matches well with many dishes, in this case even incorporated into a finger food version!

Olive Pastries with Sautéed Zucchini