Crispy Raviolini with sweet pepper spread, Parmesan and mint

The Crispy Raviolini with sweet pepper spread, Parmesan and mint is an innovative dish that merges Italian tradition with a touch of modernity. Here’s how to prepare this delicious dish.


  • 200 g of fresh ravioli pasta
  • 200 g of sweet pepper spread or grilled peppers in oil
  • 100 g of grated Parmesan cheese
  • Fresh mint leaves to taste
  • Oil for frying
  • Salt and pepper as needed


  1. Start by preparing the raviolini. Roll out the fresh ravioli pasta on a lightly floured surface and cut it into squares of about 5 cm per side.
  2. Take a small spoonful of well-drained sweet pepper spread (or grilled peppers in oil) and place it in the center of each pasta square.
  3. Add a bit of grated Parmesan and a washed and dried mint leaf on each raviolino.
  4. Moisten the edges of the pasta with some water, then fold the squares in half, forming triangles, and seal the edges well by pressing with your fingers or with the tines of a fork.
  5. Heat plenty of oil in a pan and when it has reached the ideal temperature, fry the raviolini in small amounts so as not to lower the temperature of the oil. Fry until they are golden and crispy.
  6. Remove them with a slotted spoon and place them on paper towels to remove excess oil.
  7. Sprinkle with a pinch of salt and a grind of pepper when serving.

Serve the crispy raviolini immediately, so you can best enjoy their crispiness. They’re perfect as an appetizer or as a tasty snack.


The name “sweet pepper spread” is derived from a play on words alluding to “pepper delights,” referencing the word “delight.” The preparation of grilled peppers preserved in oil is typical of Italian cuisine, especially in Southern Italy, where peppers are often prepared in this manner to be preserved and enjoyed all year round.