Jumped Rice

Jumped rice is a traditional dish of Italian cuisine, particularly from Piedmont. It’s a delicious way to use leftover risotto, turning it into a crispy and tasty second course. Here’s how you can prepare it.


  • Leftover rice (typically Milanese risotto or another type of risotto)
  • Butter
  • Grated Parmesan cheese
  • Salt and pepper (if necessary)
  • Egg (optional, to bind)


  1. Take the leftover rice (ideally Milanese risotto for the classic “jumped rice”) and add some grated Parmesan. If you want to give more consistency, you can also mix in an egg with the rice.
  2. In a non-stick frying pan, melt a generous knob of butter.
  3. Pour the rice into the hot pan and press down well with a spoon to form a compact rice “frittata”.
  4. Cook over medium heat until the bottom becomes crispy and golden. This may take from 5 to 10 minutes, depending on the thickness of the risotto.
  5. Once the rice on the bottom is crispy, flip the jumped rice using a lid or a plate and cook the other side until it is also golden.
  6. Serve hot, possibly with an additional sprinkle of Parmesan or a touch of fresh butter on top.

Jumped rice is a simple recipe but full of flavor, especially if prepared with good leftover risotto. It can be served as a main dish or alongside meat or fish main courses.


The name “jumped rice” comes from the way the rice is turned in the pan, almost as if it “jumps” when flipped to brown the other side. This dish is a great example of recovery cooking, where leftovers are transformed into a new culinary creation.