Ice Cream Biscuit

The ice cream biscuit is a delicious dessert, perfect for cooling off on hot summer days or as a delicious end to a meal. Here is the recipe to prepare it, following the classic Italian style.


  • 200 g of biscuits (like Digestive or shortbread cookies)
  • 500 ml of ice cream of your choice (e.g., vanilla, chocolate, pistachio)
  • 100 g of dark chocolate
  • 30 g of butter


  1. Coarsely chop the biscuits using a mixer or a rolling pin, leaving some larger pieces to maintain crunchiness.
  2. Melt the dark chocolate with the butter in a double boiler, stirring until smooth.
  3. Lay a sheet of plastic wrap on a work surface and spread half of the chopped biscuits on it.
  4. Pour half of the melted chocolate over the biscuits and spread it out evenly.
  5. Cut the ice cream into slices about 1-2 cm thick and place them over the first layer of biscuits and chocolate, covering the entire surface.
  6. Distribute the remaining melted chocolate over the ice cream and finish with a last layer of chopped biscuits.
  7. Wrap everything with the plastic wrap and put it in the freezer for at least 2-3 hours before serving.
  8. Once the ice cream biscuit is well solidified, cut it into slices and serve immediately.


The ice cream biscuit is often nostalgically remembered by those who enjoyed it in their youth at Italian ice cream shops or pastry stores, as a large “sandwich” of ice cream between two biscuits. Today it is also readily available in supermarkets, but the homemade version certainly has a charm of its own!

For an all-Italian touch, you could use classic fiordilatte or an authentic pistachio gelato from Bronte as the ice cream, and maybe sprinkle the last layer of biscuits with some toasted pistachio grains for an extra touch of color and flavor.

Ice Cream Biscuit