Hot dog and fries sandwich

The hot dog and fries sandwich is a classic beloved by both adults and children, perfect for a quick meal or a delicious snack. Here is the recipe:


  • Hot dog buns or baguettes
  • Quality hot dogs (preferably pork or veal)
  • French fries
  • Mustard (or ketchup, if you prefer)
  • Mayonnaise (optional)
  • Onions (optional, can be fresh or caramelized)
  • Cheddar cheese or another type as desired (optional)


  1. Start by preheating the oven to 200 °C if you wish to warm the buns. This step is optional but contributes to making the sandwich even tastier.
  2. If you are using onions, slice them thinly and, if you want to caramelize them, cook them in a pan with a bit of oil over medium-low heat until they become translucent and golden.
  3. Cook the hot dogs in boiling water for 4-5 minutes or grill them in a pan or on a grill until they are well browned and crispy on the outside.
  4. Meanwhile, fry the French fries following the manufacturer’s instructions or use ready-made fries if you prefer.
  5. Warm the buns in the oven for about 5 minutes until they are hot and slightly crispy.
  6. Assemble the sandwich by spreading mustard and mayonnaise inside the bun (if using), then insert the hot hot dog.
  7. Add the fries on top of or next to the hot dog, depending on your preferences and the space available in the sandwich.
  8. If you like, sprinkle with caramelized onions and add slices of cheese so that they melt with the heat of the hot dog.
  9. Serve the sandwich immediately, while it is still hot and the fries are crispy.


This sandwich is a variation of the classic hot dog, enriched by the addition of French fries directly inside the sandwich, for a double texture and a mix of flavors that play with each other. In Italy, the hot dog sandwich can also be found in regional versions with typical local ingredients.

For an Italian touch, you might add a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil over the fries once the sandwich is assembled, or a sprinkle of grated Parmesan cheese over the cheese for an even richer flavor.

Hot dog and fries sandwich