Fried Chicken

Here is a basic recipe for Italian-style fried chicken that we can then adapt according to your tastes or needs.


  • 4 chicken thighs (or breasts, if you prefer)
  • 200 g of flour
  • 2 eggs
  • 200 ml of milk
  • 1 teaspoon of garlic powder (optional)
  • 1 teaspoon of paprika (optional)
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • Oil for frying (preferably peanut or sunflower)


  1. Start by rinsing the chicken and patting the pieces dry with kitchen paper.
  2. In a bowl, mix the flour with garlic powder, paprika, salt, and pepper. This will be your dry breading.
  3. In another bowl, beat the eggs with the milk to create a homogeneous mixture that will be your liquid breading. Add a pinch of salt.
  4. Dip the chicken pieces first in the liquid breading and then roll them in the dry breading, making sure the flour sticks well to the chicken.
  5. Heat the oil in a deep pan or a fryer to about 175 °C. Fry the chicken pieces in small batches to prevent the oil temperature from dropping too much.
  6. Fry until the chicken is golden and cooked inside, which will take about 15-20 minutes depending on the size of the pieces.
  7. Drain them well and lay them on paper towels to remove excess oil.
  8. Serve the fried chicken piping hot.


Fried chicken is a staple in the cuisine of many cultures. In Italy, we sometimes accompany it with a touch of lemon to add freshness. In the Southern United States, fried chicken is an absolute institution, often served with sweet or spicy sauces and the inevitable side of french fries or mashed potatoes.

If you need adaptations to the recipe, such as baking instead of frying, or the use of different spices, do not hesitate to ask!

Fried Chicken