Four-Cheese Arancini

The four-cheese arancini are a very tasty variation of the classic Sicilian arancini. Here is the recipe for preparing four-cheese arancini.


  • 200 g of Arborio or Carnaroli rice
  • 500 ml of vegetable broth
  • 1 small white onion
  • 50 g of butter
  • 50 g of grated Parmesan cheese
  • A mix of 150 g of cheeses of your choice such as Gorgonzola, Fontina, Provolone, Taleggio
  • 2 eggs
  • Breadcrumbs to taste
  • Flour to taste
  • Oil for frying
  • Salt and pepper to taste


  1. Finely chop the onion and sauté it in a pot with half of the butter until it becomes transparent.

  2. Add the rice and toast it for a few minutes, stirring constantly. Then start adding the hot vegetable broth, one ladle at a time, allowing the rice to absorb the liquid before adding more. Cook for about 18 minutes or until the rice is al dente.

  3. Once cooked, turn off the heat, add the Parmesan and the rest of the butter. Mix well until you get a creamy consistency. Let the risotto cool down.

  4. In the meantime, cut the cheeses into cubes.

  5. Take a portion of cold risotto, flatten it on your hand and put some cubes of cheese in the center.

  6. Close the risotto around the cheese, forming a ball. Repeat until all ingredients are used up.

  7. Dip each arancino first in the flour, then in the beaten egg, and finally in the breadcrumbs.

  8. Fry the arancini in plenty of hot oil until they are golden and crispy.

  9. Drain them and let them rest on paper towels to remove excess oil.

Curiosity The arancini, which take their name from their shape and color similar to oranges, have ancient origins that even go back to the Arab period in Sicily. The four-cheese version is a more recent reinterpretation that plays with the creaminess and richness of Italian cheeses.

Serve the arancini hot and enjoy the stringy and tasty heart of the four cheeses. Enjoy your meal!