Pumpkin, Speck, and Walnut Crepes

Pumpkin, speck, and walnut crepes are an autumn dish full of flavors that combine well. Let’s see the recipe:


For the crepes:

  • 100 g of flour
  • 2 eggs
  • 300 ml of milk
  • A pinch of salt
  • Butter as needed for cooking the crepes

For the filling:

  • 500 g of cleaned pumpkin
  • 200 g of thinly sliced speck
  • 100 g of shelled and chopped walnuts
  • 200 g of fontina cheese, or another soft cheese that melts well
  • Salt to taste
  • Pepper to taste
  • Nutmeg to taste
  • Extra virgin olive oil as needed

For the béchamel sauce:

  • 50 g of butter
  • 50 g of flour
  • 500 ml of milk
  • Salt to taste
  • Nutmeg to taste


  1. Start by making the crepes batter by mixing the flour, eggs, milk, and a pinch of salt. Work the mixture with a whisk until it becomes a smooth and lump-free batter. Let it rest for about 30 minutes.

  2. Meanwhile, prepare the filling. Cut the pumpkin into cubes and bake it in the oven at 180 °C until soft, or in a pan with a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil, salt, pepper, and nutmeg until tender. Then let it cool.

  3. Then lightly cook the slices of speck in a non-stick pan until they become crispy. Let them cool down and then cut them into strips.

  4. Now make the béchamel sauce by melting the butter in a saucepan, adding the flour and cooking for one minute. Gradually pour in the milk, stirring continuously to avoid lumps, until you get a smooth and thick cream. Season with salt and nutmeg.

  5. Go back to the crepe batter and cook each crepe in a lightly buttered non-stick pan, flipping it once golden on one side. Continue until all the batter is used up.

  6. In a bowl, mix together the pumpkin, speck, chopped walnuts, and half of the cubed or melted cheese, adjusting the salt and pepper to taste.

  7. Fill each crepe with the pumpkin, speck, and walnut mixture, roll them up or fold them like a wallet and place them in a buttered baking dish.

  8. Pour the béchamel sauce over the top and sprinkle with the remaining cheese.

  9. Bake at 200 °C and cook until the surface is golden and crispy, about 20 minutes.

  10. Serve the crepes hot, perhaps accompanied by a fresh seasonal salad.


Crepes are the Italian version of the French crêpes and are wonderfully versatile for both sweet and savory fillings. Pumpkin, with its sweetish flavor, balances perfectly with the savoriness of the speck and the crunchy touch of the walnuts. A dish that encapsulates the colors and flavors of autumn.

Pumpkin, Speck, and Walnut Crepes