Chestnut Flour Crepes

Chestnut flour crepes are an autumnal variant of the classic crepes, with a slightly sweet and rustic taste. Here’s how to prepare them:


  • 100 g of chestnut flour
  • 200 ml of milk
  • 2 eggs
  • A pinch of salt
  • 2 tablespoons of sugar (optional, if you prefer a sweet version)
  • Butter or oil for greasing the pan


  1. In a bowl, sift the chestnut flour to remove any lumps.
  2. In another bowl, beat the eggs and add the milk, mixing well to combine.
  3. Combine the egg and milk mixture with the chestnut flour, adding a pinch of salt and, if you desire a sweet version, the sugar. Mix everything together until you achieve a smooth and lump-free batter. If needed, you can add a little more milk to get the desired consistency, which should be fluid but not too liquid.
  4. Let the batter rest for about 30 minutes at room temperature.
  5. Heat up a crepe pan or a non-stick skillet and lightly grease it with some butter or oil.
  6. Pour a ladle of batter into the hot pan and tilt it to spread the batter evenly, forming a thin crepe.
  7. Cook the crepe for about 2 minutes or until the edges start to peel away from the pan and the surface becomes slightly golden.
  8. Use a spatula to flip the crepe and cook it for another minute on the opposite side.
  9. Repeat the process with the rest of the batter, stacking the crepes on a plate and keeping them warm if you wish to serve them all together.
  10. Chestnut crepes can be served with sweet accompaniments, such as jams, melted chocolate or sweetened ricotta, or savory ones, like creamy cheeses or sliced deli meats.


Chestnut flour has historically been an important food source in certain Italian regions, especially in Tuscany and Corsica. Chestnuts were referred to as “the grain of the poor” because they were often used as a wheat substitute in times of famine. Hence, chestnut crepes have roots in a poor, rural cuisine, but today they are appreciated for their unique flavor and versatility.

Chestnut Flour Crepes