
Crepes are a versatile dish that can be served either sweet or savory. The basic version of crepes is relatively simple, and I can provide you with the basic recipe. Here’s how to prepare them:


  • 250 ml of milk
  • 100 g of flour
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 30 g of melted butter (plus a little more for greasing the pan)
  • 1 tablespoon of sugar (if you wish to make sweet crepes)


  1. In a large bowl, whisk the eggs with a hand mixer.
  2. Add the milk and continue whisking until you have a homogeneous mixture.
  3. Incorporate the sifted flour and the pinch of salt, mixing to avoid the formation of lumps.
  4. Finally, add the melted butter (and sugar if you opt for sweet crepes) and mix well until you get a smooth and fluid batter.
  5. Let the batter rest for about 30 minutes at room temperature, to allow the flour to hydrate completely.
  6. Heat a non-stick pan and lightly butter the bottom.
  7. Pour a small amount of batter into the pan, tilting it quickly to spread it evenly and create a thin layer.
  8. Cook the crepe for about 1-2 minutes, or until the bottom is golden; then flip it with the help of a spatula and cook the other side.
  9. Repeat the process until you’ve used up all the batter.
  10. Serve the crepes hot, with the filling or topping of your choice.

For the sweet version, you can accompany the crepes with powdered sugar, jam, Nutella, fresh fruit, or custard. For the savory version, on the other hand, you can stuff them with cheese, ham, mushrooms, spinach, or other ingredients of your choice.

Interesting Facts

Crepes are a classic of French cuisine and are thought to have originated in Brittany. They can be filled in a thousand different ways, and every region in France has its local variants. In Italy, crepes are often called “crespelle” and are used in various regional recipes, both as a main dish and as a side dish.
