Creamy Chocolate Cheesecake

Here is the recipe for a delicious Italian-style chocolate cheesecake, with a crispy base and creamy filling.


For the base:

  • 200 g of dry biscuits (such as Digestive)
  • 100 g of melted butter

For the filling:

  • 500 g of creamy cheese (like Philadelphia)
  • 150 g of sugar
  • 200 g of dark chocolate
  • 3 eggs
  • 100 ml of fresh cream

For the ganache:

  • 100 g of dark chocolate
  • 100 ml of fresh cream


  1. Start with the base: finely chop the biscuits to get a kind of “flour”. Mix with melted butter to get a homogeneous mixture. Spread the mixture on a springform pan (about 22 cm in diameter) previously greased or lined with parchment paper. Press well to create a compact layer and put in the fridge for about 30 minutes.

  2. Meanwhile, prepare the filling: melt the dark chocolate in a bain-marie or in the microwave and let it cool down. Whisk the creamy cheese with the sugar until you get a smooth and lump-free cream.

  3. Add the eggs one at a time, continuing to stir. Incorporate the fresh cream and finally the melted chocolate, mixing gently until you get a smooth and velvety mixture.

  4. Take the pan out of the fridge and pour the chocolate filling on the biscuit base, leveling it well with a spatula.

  5. Bake in a preheated oven at 160 °C for about 1 hour or until the center of the cheesecake looks almost completely set but slightly wobbly.

  6. While the cheesecake cools down, prepare the ganache: heat the cream without bringing it to a boil and pour it over the chopped chocolate. Let it rest for a minute and then mix until you get a smooth cream.

  7. Pour the ganache over the cooled cheesecake and leave in the fridge for at least another 4 hours, better if overnight.

Before serving, you can decorate the cheesecake with chocolate shavings, fresh fruit, or a dusting of cocoa powder for a final touch.


Cheesecake is a very ancient dessert whose origin is traced back to ancient Greece, but the version with creamy cheese comes from North America. While the ganache, which enriches the surface, is a creation of French pastry and takes its name from the term “ganache” which in the past was used disparagingly to refer to a foolish or incompetent person.

Creamy Chocolate Cheesecake