Coconut and Chocolate Ice Cream Log

The coconut and chocolate ice cream log is an elegant dessert that can beautifully conclude a special dinner or cheer up a hot summer day. Here’s how to prepare it.


For the coconut ice cream:

  • 400 ml of coconut milk
  • 200 ml of cream for desserts
  • 100 g of powdered sugar
  • 50 g of shredded coconut

For the chocolate topping:

  • 200 g of dark chocolate
  • 100 ml of cream for desserts
  • 30 g of butter


  1. Start by preparing the coconut ice cream. In a large bowl, combine coconut milk with powdered sugar and mix until the sugar is completely dissolved.
  2. Add the cream for desserts and the shredded coconut, stirring gently to incorporate all the ingredients.
  3. Pour the mixture into an ice cream maker and follow the instructions to make the ice cream. If you don’t have an ice cream maker, pour the mixture into a container and place it in the freezer. Every hour, for the first 3-4 hours, stir the ice cream with a fork to break up any ice crystals.
  4. Once the ice cream is ready and has reached the desired consistency, take a loaf pan or similar mold and line it with cling film. Pour the ice cream into the mold, cover with more cling film, and put it back in the freezer until it is completely hardened.
  5. For the chocolate topping, chop the dark chocolate and place it in a heatproof container.
  6. In a small pot, bring the cream to a light boil and then pour it over the chopped chocolate. Let it rest for a couple of minutes, then stir until you create a smooth and homogeneous ganache.
  7. Add the butter in pieces and stir until it has completely melted into the ganache.
  8. Remove the ice cream from the freezer, take off the cling film, and invert the ice cream onto a serving plate.
  9. Pour the chocolate ganache over the ice cream, covering it evenly.
  10. Put the log back in the freezer for at least 10-15 minutes before serving, to solidify the topping.


The Yule log, or bûche de Noël, is a culinary tradition of French origin, typical of the Christmas holidays, which resembles the trunk of a tree in its features. The coconut and chocolate ice cream version can be considered a sort of “summery” or tropical-themed reinterpretation of this classic holiday sweet.

For an even more Italian variation, you could add a pinch of coconut liqueur, such as Malibu, to the ice cream mixture to enhance its flavor. Remember, however, that alcohol lowers the freezing point of the ice cream, so manage the quantities with caution.

Coconut and Chocolate Ice Cream Log