Coconut and Chocolate Bars

The combination of coconut and chocolate is loved all over the world and translates perfectly into delicious bars. Here’s the recipe for you:


  • 200 g of dark chocolate
  • 200 g of shredded coconut (dehydrated grated coconut)
  • 100 g of butter
  • 100 g of powdered sugar
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • (Optional) a few drops of vanilla extract


  1. Melt the dark chocolate in a double boiler, being careful not to burn it.
  2. In a bowl, mix the shredded coconut with the powdered sugar and a pinch of salt. Add the melted butter and (if you wish) a bit of vanilla extract to enhance the flavor.
  3. When the chocolate is completely melted and smooth, pour part of it into the bottom of a rectangular mold lined with parchment paper, creating a thin layer.
  4. Pour the coconut mixture over the chocolate layer, pressing down firmly to compact it.
  5. Cover with the remaining melted chocolate, making sure to completely cover the coconut.
  6. Allow the bars to cool at room temperature for a few minutes, then transfer to the refrigerator for at least 2 hours until they have solidified.
  7. Once set, remove the bars from the mold and cut into rectangles with a sharp knife.

You can serve them as a dessert after meals or as an indulgent snack during the day. Coconut and chocolate bars are easy to make and keep well in the refrigerator, in an airtight container.


This is a recipe that can easily be adapted to a vegan version, replacing the butter with coconut oil and choosing a chocolate without dairy derivatives. The simplicity of the ingredients and the quick preparation make it an excellent choice to satisfy a sudden craving for sweets.

Coconut and Chocolate Bars