Donut with Cocoa and Almonds with Red Fruit Sauce

I will present you with a recipe for a delightful cocoa and almond donut accompanied by a red fruit sauce, which will add a fresh tart note. This dessert is perfect for a rich breakfast or a tasty snack.

Ingredients for the Donut:

  • 200 g of all-purpose flour
  • 50 g of almond flour
  • 50 g of unsweetened cocoa powder
  • 200 g of sugar
  • 3 eggs
  • 120 ml of seed oil
  • 120 ml of milk
  • 1 packet of baking powder
  • 1 pinch of salt

Ingredients for the Red Fruit Sauce:

  • 300 g of mixed red fruits (raspberries, strawberries, blueberries, currants)
  • 100 g of sugar
  • Juice of 1/2 lemon


  1. Begin by preheating the oven to 180 °C and grease a donut mold with a bit of oil or butter, then lightly flour it.
  2. In a bowl, sift together the flour, cocoa, almond flour, and baking powder.
  3. In another bowl, beat the eggs with the sugar until light and frothy.
  4. Slowly add the oil and milk to the mixture, continuing to stir.
  5. Gradually incorporate the sifted dry ingredients, a little at a time, to avoid lumps, mixing gently with a spatula or with an electric mixer at low speed.
  6. Add a pinch of salt and mix again until the batter is smooth.
  7. Pour the mixture into the prepared mold and bake for about 35-40 minutes or until a toothpick inserted into the center of the donut comes out clean.
  8. Let the donut cool in the mold for a few minutes, then transfer it onto a rack to cool completely.

For the red fruit sauce:

  1. Gently wash the red fruits and put them in a saucepan with the sugar and lemon juice.
  2. Cook over medium heat until the sugar has completely dissolved and the fruits have started to release their juice, forming a sauce.
  3. Cook until you reach the desired consistency, more or less thick according to your taste. If you want a smoother sauce, you can blend it and then strain it through a sieve.


  • Serve the sliced donut with the red fruit sauce on the side or drizzled over the top as you like.


The cocoa donut with almond flour is a more indulgent and richer variant of the classic donut. Almond flour not only adds flavor but also makes the cake moister and with a slightly denser texture. The red fruit sauce, then, is a classic pairing with cocoa, because its tartness pleasantly contrasts the sweetness and intensity of the cocoa.

Donut with Cocoa and Almonds with Red Fruit Sauce