Classic Peperonata

Peperonata is a dish much loved in Italian cuisine. Here’s the recipe for a classic peperonata.


  • Mixed color bell peppers (red, yellow, green), about 500 g
  • Medium white onion, 1
  • Garlic, 2 cloves
  • Ripe tomatoes or canned peeled tomatoes, 400 g
  • Extra virgin olive oil, 4 tablespoons
  • Salt, to taste
  • Black pepper, to taste
  • White wine vinegar (optional), 1 tablespoon
  • Fresh basil or oregano, for garnish


  1. Start by cleaning the peppers. Wash them, remove the seeds and the internal filaments, and cut them into strips.
  2. Peel the onion and slice it thinly.
  3. Peel the garlic and chop it finely.
  4. If you’re using fresh tomatoes, wash them, remove the green parts, and cut them into not too small pieces; if you’re using canned tomatoes, drain the preservation water and roughly chop them.
  5. Heat the extra virgin olive oil in a large frying pan, then add the onion and garlic. Fry on medium heat until the onion becomes translucent.
  6. Add the sliced bell peppers and continue cooking everything, stirring occasionally, for about 10 minutes.
  7. Add the tomatoes, salt, and pepper. If you like, you can also add a tablespoon of white wine vinegar to give some acidity.
  8. Lower the heat, cover with a lid, and let cook for about 30 minutes, until the peppers are soft and the sauce has reduced a bit. During cooking, check that it doesn’t dry out too much; add a little water if necessary.
  9. When it’s ready, turn off the heat and let the peperonata rest for a few minutes.
  10. Before serving, garnish with chopped fresh basil or, if you prefer, dried oregano.

Peperonata can be enjoyed both hot and at room temperature; it’s excellent as a side dish, but also as a main course or as a sauce for pasta. Moreover, it is a versatile dish that lends itself to different regional variations: in some areas capers or olives are added, for example, to enrich it with additional flavors.

Buon appetito!

Classic Peperonata