Classic Mimosa Cake

The Mimosa Cake is a classic Italian pastry, usually prepared to celebrate March 8th, International Women’s Day. It is a light and delicate dessert, characterized by its appearance which resembles mimosa flowers.


  • For the Sponge Cake:

    • 120g of all-purpose flour
    • 120g of sugar
    • 4 eggs
    • A pinch of salt
    • Zest of 1 lemon (optional)
  • For the soaking syrup:

    • 100g of sugar
    • 100ml of water
    • A vial of lemon or orange flavoring (optional)
  • For the diplomat cream:

    • 500ml of milk
    • 4 egg yolks
    • 120g of sugar
    • 40g of all-purpose flour
    • 20g of cornstarch (cornflour)
    • Zest of 1 lemon (only the yellow part)
    • 1 vanilla pod or vanilla flavoring
    • 200ml of whipping cream
  • For the decoration:

    • 200g of whipping cream
    • Leftover sponge cake


  1. Prepare the Sponge Cake:

    • Whip the eggs with the sugar until you get a light and fluffy mixture.
    • Slowly add the sifted flour, salt, and lemon zest, stirring from bottom to top so as not to deflate the mixture.
    • Pour into a buttered and floured pan and bake at 180 °C for about 30 minutes or until golden.
    • Allow to cool and then horizontally slice into 3 discs.
  2. Prepare the soaking syrup:

    • In a small pot, bring the water with sugar and the chosen flavoring to a boil.
    • Let it cool.
  3. Prepare the diplomat cream:

    • Bring the milk to a boil with the lemon zest and vanilla.
    • In a separate bowl, beat the egg yolks with sugar, then add the flour and starch.
    • Strain the boiling milk and slowly incorporate it into the egg, sugar, and flour mixture.
    • Heat it on the stove until it thickens (pastry cream).
    • Allow the cream to cool covered with plastic wrap.
    • Whip the cream and gently fold it into the cold pastry cream.
  4. Assemble the Mimosa Cake:

    • Stuff two sponge cake discs with the diplomat cream and moisten them with the prepared syrup.
    • Stack the stuffed discs and cover with the third sponge cake disc.
    • Cover the outside of the cake with the leftover cream and decorate with whipped cream.
    • Crumble the leftover sponge cake pieces and lay them on the cake to create the “mimosa” effect.
  5. Let the Mimosa Cake rest in the fridge for a few hours before serving.

An Italian twist? Add a sweet liqueur, such as limoncello, to the syrup to further scent your Mimosa Cake.


The Mimosa Cake is named after the mimosa flowers, which in Italy are a symbol of March 8th, International Women’s Day. This dessert is a tribute to the delicacy and strength of women.