7 Cup Citrus Cake

The 7 Cup Citrus Cake is a citrusy variation of the classic 7 Cup Cake, named after the peculiar unit of measurement used: the yogurt pot. Here is the recipe for a soft and fragrant cake, perfect for a snack or a breakfast full of flavor.


  • 1 pot of citrus yogurt (125 g, which will be used as a measure)
  • 3 pots of all-purpose flour
  • 2 pots of sugar
  • 1 pot of seed oil
  • 3 eggs
  • Grated zest of 1 lemon and 1 orange (or citrus of your choice)
  • 1 pot of citrus juice (squeezed oranges and/or lemons to get the desired quantity)
  • 1 packet of baking powder
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • Butter and flour (for greasing and flouring the cake pan)


  1. Preheat the oven to 180 °C and butter and flour a cake mold.
  2. Empty the contents of the yogurt pot into a bowl and use it as a measuring cup for the other ingredients.
  3. In a large bowl, whisk the eggs with the sugar until you get a light and fluffy mixture.
  4. Add the pot of seed oil and continue mixing.
  5. Incorporate the pot of citrus juice and the grated zest of the citrus.
  6. Add sifted flour, baking powder, and the pinch of salt, mixing well to avoid lumps.
  7. Pour the batter into the prepared mold and level the surface.
  8. Bake and cook for about 35-40 minutes or until a toothpick inserted in the center of the cake comes out clean.
  9. Remove from the oven and let cool before turning out and serving.

Fun Fact

This cake is simple and versatile; you can customize it by adding chocolate chips, nuts, or icing it with powdered sugar and lemon juice to add even more flavor and elegance to your preparation.

I hope you enjoy this fragrant and tasty variant!

7 Cup Citrus Cake