Chicken in batter

The recipe for chicken in batter is quite simple and can be customized in many ways, but today I will give you a version with an Italian twist.


  • 500g chicken breast
  • 150g flour
  • 2 eggs
  • 100 ml cold sparkling water (for a lighter batter)
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • Finely chopped Italian herbs (such as rosemary and thyme), to taste
  • Olive oil or seed oil (for frying)


  1. Cut the chicken breast into strips or bite-sized pieces of uniform size and season with salt and pepper, and if you want, with the chopped herbs.

  2. In a bowl, sift the flour and add a pinch of salt.

  3. Beat the eggs in a small bowl.

  4. Gradually add the beaten eggs and sparkling water to the flour, mixing with a whisk to obtain a smooth and uniform batter. If you prefer, you can also add some grated Parmesan cheese for a bolder flavor.

  5. Dip the chicken pieces into the batter, making sure they are completely covered.

  6. Heat a generous amount of oil in a high-sided pan and once the ideal temperature is reached (about 170-180 °C), fry the battered chicken pieces until they become golden and crispy. You can test the oil with a bit of batter: if it fries immediately, it’s ready.

  7. Drain the chicken pieces on paper towels to remove excess oil.

  8. Serve the chicken hot, perhaps with a sprinkle of salt and accompanied by a sauce of your choice or, in true Italian fashion, with a bit of fresh lemon juice to balance the fat from the frying.


In Italy, batter is often used also for vegetables (such as zucchini) or for zucchini flowers, which are then fried and traditionally served as appetizers or side dishes. The lightness of the sparkling water and the addition of aromatic herbs make the dish more delicate and fragrant.