Cheese Burek

Cheese Burek is a traditional dish from the Balkans, very popular and appreciated. In Italy, we do not have a direct equivalent, but I could suggest preparing crispy sheets similar to our lasagna, stuffed in a way that recalls the richness and savoriness of Burek.

Here is the recipe for preparing Cheese Burek, with an Italian touch in the choice of cheeses:


  • Phyllo dough sheets or brisée pastry (quantity dependent on the size of your Burek)
  • 300 g of feta cheese (to stay true to the original recipe) or a mix of ricotta and parmesan for an Italian touch
  • 100 g of natural yogurt
  • 2 eggs
  • Salt and black pepper, to taste
  • Melted butter, as needed
  • Chives or chopped parsley, for an Italian touch of green (optional)


  1. Start by preheating the oven to 180 °C.
  2. In a bowl, crumble the feta or mix ricotta and parmesan, adding yogurt, eggs, a pinch of salt (be careful with the feta, which is already savory on its own) and a generous grinding of black pepper. If you like, you can add chopped chives or parsley for a touch of freshness.
  3. Take a baking tray and lightly grease it with melted butter, or use baking paper to prevent the burek from sticking.
  4. Lay out a phyllo dough sheet and brush it with melted butter, then cover it with another sheet. Repeat the operation until you have three or four layers.
  5. Add a generous amount of the cheese filling on the top sheet and spread it evenly.
  6. Gently roll up the dough with the filling inside, forming a cylinder or spiral, depending on your preference and the shape of your baking tray.
  7. Repeat the process of layering the pastry and adding the filling until all the material is used up.
  8. Brush the last layer of pastry with melted butter to get a uniform browning.
  9. Bake the Burek for about 30-45 minutes or until it is golden and crispy on the surface.
  10. Once baked, take it out of the oven and let it rest for a few minutes before cutting and serving.

Cheese Burek is excellent both hot and at room temperature. It is a dish that impresses with its simplicity but at the same time with its richness of flavor, which will surprise you with every bite.


Burek is often associated with Turkish cuisine, but it is widespread throughout the Balkan area with variants that include, in addition to cheese, also fillings based on meat, spinach, or potatoes. In Italy, when I think of something similar, a rich and tasty lasagna comes to mind, but Burek has a completely different spirit, being a practical and hearty street food.

Cheese Burek