Risotto with Champagne and Scampi

Champagne and Scampi Risotto is a refined and festive dish, perfect for a special dinner. Before starting, make sure you have all the necessary ingredients. Here is the list and the procedure to prepare this delicious risotto.


  • 320 g of Carnaroli or Arborio rice
  • 300 ml of Champagne or good quality sparkling wine
  • 400 g of fresh or frozen scampi
  • 1 small onion, finely chopped
  • 1 l of light vegetable broth
  • 50 g of butter
  • 50 g of grated Parmesan cheese
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • Extra virgin olive oil
  • Fresh chopped parsley (for garnish)
  • Grated lemon zest (optional, for garnish)


  1. If you have fresh scampi, start by cleaning them: remove the head and tail, peel off the shell and remove the intestinal tract. If the scampi are frozen, make sure they are thoroughly thawed before proceeding.

  2. Prepare the vegetable broth and keep it warm on a low heat.

  3. In a large pan, melt half of the butter and slightly brown the chopped onion without letting it color.

  4. Add the scampi to the pan and sauté for a couple of minutes, then remove the scampi (leaving some for garnishing the dish) and set aside.

  5. In the same pan, pour the rice and toast for a minute, stirring.

  6. Deglaze with about half of the Champagne and let the alcohol evaporate on a high flame.

  7. When the Champagne has almost completely evaporated, start adding the hot broth, a ladle at a time, waiting for the liquid to be absorbed by the rice before adding more. Stir frequently.

  8. Halfway through the cooking of the rice, add the scampi (keeping those for garnish aside).

  9. Continue cooking, adding broth until the rice is al dente, then turn off the heat.

  10. Add the remaining butter, the Parmesan cheese, the rest of the Champagne, adjust salt and pepper, and cream the risotto by stirring vigorously until it reaches a creamy consistency.

  11. Let the risotto rest for a couple of minutes before serving.

  12. Plate the risotto, garnish with the scampi set aside, chopped parsley and, if desired, a bit of grated lemon zest for a touch of freshness.

Fun Fact

Champagne is not just a celebration wine but is also an excellent ingredient in the kitchen, especially in risottos. Its acidity and bubbles add a touch of elegance and lightness to the dishes. Remember, the quality of the wine you use in cooking is reflected in the final result of the dish!

Enjoy your meal and savor this special dish!

Risotto with Champagne and Scampi