Cooked Ham and Philadelphia Swirls

Cooked ham and Philadelphia swirls are a simple and tasty appetizer, perfect for an aperitif or a buffet. Here’s the recipe to prepare them:


  • 5 slices of crustless sandwich bread
  • 150 g of Philadelphia (or other cream cheese)
  • 5 thin slices of cooked ham
  • Chopped chives (optional)
  • Black pepper (optional)


  1. Lay out the slices of sandwich bread and roll a rolling pin over them to flatten further.
  2. Spread a uniform layer of Philadelphia on each slice of bread.
  3. If desired, sprinkle some chopped chives and a grind of black pepper to add flavor and spice to the filling.
  4. Lay a slice of cooked ham on each spread slice of bread.
  5. Carefully roll up each slice, making sure the filling doesn’t spill out, and press lightly to ensure the ham and cheese adhere well.
  6. Wrap each roll in cling film and let it rest in the refrigerator for at least an hour. This allows the swirls to compact and then be cut more easily.
  7. After resting, remove the film and cut each roll into pieces about 2 cm thick.
  8. Arrange the swirls on a serving plate and serve.

You can vary this recipe by adding other ingredients inside the swirls, like chopped olives, sun-dried tomatoes, or a sprinkle of grated Parmesan for a more Italian twist.


The swirls can be personalized in many ways. One idea could be to use pesto instead of Philadelphia for a thoroughly Italian and Mediterranean touch. Remember that the key to success for this type of recipe lies in the freshness of the ingredients and the simplicity of execution.