Cannolo Semifreddo

The cannolo semifreddo is a chilly and tempting twist on the traditional Sicilian cannolo. Here’s how to make it:


  • 250 g of well-drained sheep’s milk ricotta
  • 100 g of powdered sugar
  • 50 g of chocolate chips
  • 30 g of candied fruit (orange or citron)
  • 200 ml of whipping cream
  • 5/6 wafer cannoli shells (either ready-made or wafers to prepare and roll)
  • 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract or vanillin
  • A pinch of cinnamon (optional)


  1. Start by working the ricotta with the powdered sugar until you have a smooth and lump-free cream. For a finer result, it is advisable to pass the ricotta through a sieve.
  2. Add the vanilla extract, a pinch of cinnamon (if desired), and gently incorporate the chopped candied fruit and chocolate chips.
  3. In another bowl, whip the cream until stiff peaks form. Once ready, fold it gently and with delicate movements from the bottom up into the ricotta cream to avoid deflating it.
  4. Take a plumcake mold (or alternatively a rectangular container) and line it with clear food-grade plastic wrap.
  5. Pour the mixture into the container and level the surface with a spatula.
  6. Cover the semifreddo with more plastic wrap and place it in the freezer for at least 4-5 hours or until it is well solidified.
  7. When ready to serve, remove the semifreddo from the freezer, take off the plastic wrap, and slice the dessert.
  8. Serve each slice on a wafer cannolo shell and, if you wish, decorate with additional chocolate chips, candied fruit, or a dusting of powdered sugar.

Fun Fact

The cannolo is one of Sicily’s iconic desserts and is traditionally filled with ricotta cream and decorated with candied fruit and chocolate chips. The cannolo semifreddo brings the flavor of the cannolo to the table in a fresh and creamy version, perfect for the summer months or as a refined end to a meal in any season. In keeping with Sicilian tradition, sheep’s milk ricotta is the key ingredient that lends authenticity to the dessert.