Candied Orange Peels

Candied orange peels are a great way to use the part of the orange that is often discarded. Here is the recipe:


  • Untreated oranges, the amount depends on how many peels you want to candy
  • Granulated sugar, equal in amount to the weight of the peels you have
  • Water, enough to cover the peels in the pot
  • Extra sugar for coating (optional)


  1. Wash the oranges well to remove any pesticide residues or wax, then dry them.
  2. Cut the oranges into four parts and gently remove the peel including the pith (the white part). Try to leave as little white part as possible to avoid bitterness.
  3. Cut the peels into strips or according to the desired shape.
  4. Put the peels in a pot with cold water and bring to a boil. Then drain and repeat this process three times. This is to remove bitterness.
  5. Weigh the peels and weigh an equal amount of sugar.
  6. Take a pot, add the peels, the corresponding weight of sugar, and just enough water to cover them. Bring to a boil.
  7. Lower the heat and let simmer until the peels become translucent and the syrup thickens, which may take between 45 and 90 minutes.
  8. Once candied, remove the peels from the syrup and spread them on a rack to dry for several hours or until they become sticky to the touch but not wet.
  9. If desired, you can roll them in extra granulated sugar for a crunchy finish.
  10. Store the candied peels in an airtight container at room temperature.


Candied orange peels are a classic in pastry making, especially during the holidays. In Italy, they are sometimes added to panettone or used as decoration on sweets and cakes. Additionally, they can be dipped in melted chocolate for an even more indulgent pairing.