Candied Clementines

Candied clementines are a delicious way to enjoy these citrus fruits beyond their season. Here is how to prepare them.


  • 4-5 clementines
  • 200 g of sugar
  • 200 ml of water
  • 1 tablespoon of lemon juice


  1. Start by washing the clementines. Then, cut them into slices about 3-5 mm thick. Remove any seeds.

  2. Prepare a syrup by putting water, sugar, and lemon juice in a wide pan. Heat over medium heat and stir until the sugar has completely dissolved.

  3. Add the clementine slices into the syrup. Let them cook over low heat for about 40-60 minutes, turning them occasionally with care. The clementines are ready when they become translucent and the syrup has thickened.

  4. With tongs, transfer the clementine slices onto a rack to cool down. If desired, you can now sprinkle them with granulated sugar for a crunchy finish.

  5. Store the candied clementines in an airtight container, layer by layer, separated by parchment paper, and the syrup in a separate jar.


Candied clementines are great to be consumed as sweet snacks or used as garnishes for desserts and cakes. They can also be an original homemade gift.

Remember that you can also use the remaining liquid to flavor drinks, sweets, or fresh fruit!

Candied Clementines