Cake pops

Cake pops are delightful balls of cake on a stick, covered in chocolate or frosting and often decorated in various ways. Here is a basic version of these sweet delicacies:


  • 1 baked cake (chocolate or vanilla cake is usually used)
  • 200g of cream cheese or ready-made frosting to bind the crumbled cake
  • 300g of melting chocolate for covering the balls
  • Lollipop sticks or wooden sticks for cake pops
  • Decorations of choice such as sprinkles, colored sugars, or other sprinkles


  1. Crumble the cake into a large bowl until you have very small pieces.
  2. Add the cream cheese or frosting and mix until it is homogeneous and moldable.
  3. Shape the mixture into balls, trying to make them the same size for uniformity.
  4. Melt the chocolate in a double boiler or microwave, being careful not to burn it.
  5. Dip the tip of each stick into the melted chocolate and gently insert it into the center of each ball. This will help secure it better.
  6. Place the balls in the refrigerator for about 20 minutes, until they harden.
  7. Dip the balls into the melted chocolate, making sure they are completely covered. Shake off excess chocolate by lightly tapping the stick.
  8. Decorate immediately with sprinkles or colored sugars before the chocolate sets.
  9. Insert the sticks into a support that keeps them upright (it can be a block of styrofoam or a block specifically for cake pops) and let the chocolate solidify at room temperature or in the refrigerator.


Cake pops became popular thanks to Angie Dudley, also known as Bakerella, who began sharing them on her blog in 2008. Since then, this sweet creation has spread all over the world and has inspired countless variations and creative decorations.

For an Italian twist, try using lemon or orange sponge cake as a base and cover them with melted white chocolate flavored with grated citrus zest. Have fun and enjoy your tasting!