Brescian Malfatti

Malfatti, also known as ricotta or spinach gnocchi in some variants, are a traditional dish of Brescian cuisine, a valid alternative to potato gnocchi. Here is the basic recipe to prepare them:


  • 250 g of ricotta
  • 200 g of boiled and squeezed spinach
  • 50 g of grated Parmesan cheese
  • 2 eggs
  • 100 g of flour (plus more for working the malfatti)
  • Salt and nutmeg to taste


  1. Start by preparing the spinach: boil, drain well, and finely chop.
  2. In a bowl, mix together the ricotta with the chopped spinach.
  3. Add the eggs, Parmesan cheese, a pinch of salt, and a grating of nutmeg. Mix well all the ingredients until you obtain a homogeneous mixture.
  4. Gradually incorporate the flour until the mixture becomes compact enough to form the malfatti.
  5. Flour a cutting board and take small portions of dough, roll them with your hands to form cylinders, then cut them into pieces of about 2 cm.
  6. Cook the malfatti in plenty of boiling salted water. They are ready when they float to the top: gently remove them with a slotted spoon.
  7. Season as desired. Traditionally, they are served with melted butter and sage or with tomato sauce and Parmesan cheese.


In Brescian dialect, “malfatti” literally means “badly made,” which emphasizes the homemade and irregular shape of these gnocchi. Legend has it that the name originated from a mistake in the kitchen, but despite the name, malfatti are a delicious and appreciated dish.

Malfatti bresciani