Pane di San Petronio

San Petronio Bread is a traditional bread from the Bolognese culinary heritage, traditionally prepared for the feast of San Petronio, the patron saint of Bologna, celebrated on October 4th. Here is the recipe to prepare San Petronio Bread.


  • 500 g of type 0 flour
  • 300 ml of lukewarm water
  • 12 g of fresh brewer’s yeast
  • 10 g of salt
  • 10 g of sugar
  • 30 g of lard (or extra virgin olive oil as a lighter alternative)
  • A pinch of barley malt (optional, to aid in leavening)


  1. Dissolve the brewer’s yeast in the lukewarm water with the sugar and barley malt, if you are using it.
  2. Pour the flour into a large bowl and add the water and yeast mixture, starting to knead.
  3. As the dough starts to form, incorporate the lard and salt, and continue to knead until you achieve a smooth and elastic dough.
  4. Form a ball with the dough, place it in a bowl slightly greased with oil, and cover with a damp cloth. Let it rise in a warm place, protected from drafts, for about 2 hours, or until it doubles in volume.
  5. After rising, take the dough, deflate it gently, and give it the desired shape, traditionally an elongated form.
  6. Place the bread on a baking tray lined with parchment paper, cover it again, and let it rise for another 30 minutes.
  7. Meanwhile, preheat the oven to 200 °C.
  8. Before baking, make oblique cuts on the surface of the bread and then place it in the oven.
  9. Bake the bread for approximately 30-35 minutes, until it becomes golden and crisp.
  10. Remove the San Petronio Bread from the oven and let it cool on a rack before serving.


Tradition has it that San Petronio Bread was distributed to the poor on the saint’s feast day. Today, it is enjoyed for its crunchy crust and soft inside, perfect to savor with typical Bolognese cold cuts and cheeses.