Bread Gnocchi

Bread gnocchi are a great way to repurpose stale bread into a new delicious form. Here’s the recipe:


  • 200 g of stale bread
  • 200 ml of milk
  • 2 eggs
  • 100 g of flour, plus more for working the gnocchi
  • Salt, to taste
  • Nutmeg, to pleasure
  • Melted butter and sage for dressing (optional)
  • Grated cheese for serving (optional)


  1. Cut the stale bread into small pieces and place them in a large bowl, then pour the hot milk over it. Leave to rest for about 20 minutes, until the bread has completely softened.
  2. Once the bread has absorbed the milk and softened, mash it with a fork or process it in a mixer to obtain a homogeneous mass.
  3. Add the eggs, a pinch of salt, and nutmeg to taste. Mix well until you get a smooth mixture.
  4. Gradually add the flour, working the dough until it becomes soft but not sticky. If necessary, add more flour.
  5. On a floured surface, take small portions of dough and roll them to form cylinders, then cut each cylinder into pieces of about 2 cm to form the gnocchi.
  6. Bring a large pot of salted water to a boil. Cook the gnocchi in boiling water until they float to the surface, indicating that they are done.
  7. Remove the gnocchi with a slotted spoon and dress as desired: you can use melted butter and sage leaves for an aromatic touch, a tomato sauce, or simply sprinkle with grated cheese.


Bread gnocchi are a traditional dish in some areas of Italy, especially in Trentino-Alto Adige where they are called “canederli”. They can be served as a first course or as a main dish, perhaps accompanied by a fresh salad for a complete dinner. Moreover, they represent an excellent example of “cucina povera”, which treasures simple ingredients and originates from the need not to waste food.

Bread Gnocchi