Artichoke boats with parmesan cream and grapes

I can guide you in preparing artichoke boats with parmesan cream and grapes, an elegant and tasty appetizer. I will list the ingredients first and then we will proceed with the preparation.


  • 4 artichokes (to create the “boats”)
  • 1 lemon (the juice, to prevent the artichokes from blackening)
  • 150 grams of grated parmesan
  • 200 ml of fresh cream
  • 1 bunch of grapes (white or black, depending on preference)
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • Extra virgin olive oil
  • Water as needed


  1. Start by cleaning the artichokes, removing the toughest outer leaves, cutting off the spiky top and the stem ends. Cut them in half and remove the “beard” inside. As you work, keep the cleaned artichokes in water acidulated with lemon juice to prevent them from blackening.
  2. Boil the artichokes for about 5-8 minutes in salted water. Drain them well and let them cool.
  3. Meanwhile, prepare the parmesan cream by heating the cream in a saucepan and adding the grated parmesan. Stir until the cheese has completely melted, obtaining a smooth cream. Season with salt and pepper. Allow to cool slightly.
  4. Wash the grapes and dry them, then cut each berry in half, removing the seeds if present.
  5. Take the artichokes and arrange them on a serving dish. Stuff each half with the cooled parmesan cream.
  6. Place the grape halves on top of the parmesan cream, decorating each boat.
  7. Season the boats with a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil and a sprinkle of pepper.
  8. Serve the boats as a cold appetizer or at room temperature.


Parmesan is an Italian DOP (Protected Designation of Origin) cheese whose production is limited to the provinces of Parma, Reggio Emilia, Modena, Bologna (to the left of the Reno river) and Mantova (to the right of the Po river) in the region of Emilia-Romagna and Lombardy. It is known worldwide for its unique flavor and aging that ranges from 12 to 36 months or more.

Barchette con crema di parmigiano e uva