Bloodshot Eyes

“Bloodshot Eyes” are a dish typically prepared for celebrations like Halloween and are not part of traditional Italian cuisine, but they are definitely a fun and creative idea. However, I can suggest how to prepare a themed appetizer that draws on this idea, using Italian ingredients to create an original and spooky dish to present at a costume party or during Halloween night.


  • Eggs (calculate one per guest)
  • Black olives
  • Cherry tomatoes
  • Mayonnaise
  • Ketchup or tomato sauce
  • Salt and pepper


  1. Begin by placing the eggs in a pot covered with water. Bring the water to a boil and then let them cook for about 9-12 minutes to get hard-boiled eggs.
  2. Once cooked, remove the eggs from the hot water and place them in cold water to stop the cooking process and make peeling easier.
  3. Peel the eggs and cut them in half lengthwise.
  4. Remove the yolks and place them in a bowl. Combine them with mayonnaise, salt, and pepper, and mash everything until you get a creamy mixture.
  5. Fill the holes left by the yolks in the egg white halves with the yolk and mayonnaise cream.
  6. Cut the black olives and cherry tomatoes to create small circles resembling irises and pupils.
  7. Place a circle of black olive on top of each stuffed egg half to create the iris effect, then add some ketchup or tomato sauce to simulate blood around the eye.
  8. You can arrange the cut cherry tomatoes as if they were “eyes” surrounded by blood on a flat plate.

This appetizer will surely be a fun and tasty way to add a horror touch to your party!


The name “Bloodshot Eyes” comes from the fact that these appetizers resemble scary and bleeding eyes. They are perfect as a nibble for costume parties, especially during events like Halloween. Malevolent grins and gloomy atmospheres provide the backdrop for these dishes that, despite their macabre appearance, are delicious and easy to eat!

Bloodshot Eyes